
Evening Celebration with Carl Beech

7PM - 8.30PM (BST) - 29th July



We long to see an outpouring of God’s power and we pray for revival. But perhaps God is stirring something different? What if we are in the midst of a new move of God – maybe even a long-term reformation, but we haven’t quite seen it yet? Something beautiful is stirring in the margins and the forgotten places amongst essentially forgotten people.

Carl Beech

Carl Beech is a UK based evangelist, author, and church planter. He is the CEO of Edge Ministries and president of Christian Vision for Men (CVM), founder and host of The Gathering.

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Impact sponsored by TLG:

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We are Transforming Lives for Good (TLG), a Christian children’s charity with 22 years’ experience equipping hundreds of local churches and thousands of volunteers to bring hope and a future to struggling children and families.

We normally run the Cafe at New Wine and LOVE meeting you all! While we can’t be there in person this year, we look forward to equipping you to reach struggling children in your community.

“I still get emotional about that day I met TLG at New Wine. For me, that was such a great moment stood at that stand, coming away thinking this is what I’ve been praying for in my ministry, and how could it be this simple?!”

Rev Clive Jennings from Christchurch, Clevedon

Equipping you and your church
Find out how our TLG programmes can equip you and your church to support struggling children and families in your community who face holiday hunger, isolation, trauma or are recovering from the impact of COVID-19.

FREE: Emotional Wellbeing Training
Do you want to know how to support children and adults in emotional distress? Our free webinars offer a biblical perspective on being therapeutic as well as practical tips and tools to help you spot and respond to signs of emotional distress.

We can't wait to meet you!